Dr. Yolanda’s Concierge Weight Loss Services

Making Poor Food Choices?
Tired of a growing waistline despite your efforts?
Wish You Had More Daily Energy?

As much as you’d like to make the gym your second home (or not), apparently, it seems as though Abs are made in the kitchen.  In other words, you are what you EAT!!

According to research, the success of weight loss and weight management relies on 85% nutrition and 15% everything else.  To this end, Dr. Yolanda’s Concierge Weight Loss Services provide easy-to-follow meal plans, all-natural dietary supplements, and FDA-approved medications to help you curb your appetite and lose weight.  Her philosophy and training heavily emphasizes the importance of nutrition and she specializes in delivering customized programs featuring essential vitamins, minerals and nutrients to help increase your metabolism, burn fat and stop your food cravings for good.

For over 10 years, Dr. Yolanda focused her attention and conducted research in child and adolescent obesity as a board-certified Pediatrician. However, in 2014, she acquired a second certification in bariatrics, which gave her added expertise to expand her services to adults.  Now, she travels the world as a best-selling author and speaker conducting Health and Wellness workshops, seminars and retreats providing personal care trainings and techniques for as many people as she can reach, who endeavor to lose weight and live healthy lifestyles. Dr. Yolanda is eager to help you too!

Concierge Weight Loss Service with C.A.R.E.

Convenience Affordability Reliability Evidence-based protocols

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Mobile Medical Spa & Energy Bar

Concierge Weight Loss Services

Revitalization Retreats

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