Ketology 101

Here we grow again! I can only imagine what some of you are thinking about the medical community right now regarding our seemingly fickle ideas about what is best for you on your road to weight loss. Let’s recap: at one point it was ALL about low or no fat diets (circa 1991), then there was a directive that was almost in the opposite direction the following year (1992) with the introduction of the Atkins Diet which allowed high protein (often WITH FAT) and very low Carbs. Not much later than that (circa 2000), attention was drawn to another method of weight loss called the Macrobiotic Diet. which emphasized whole grains and vegetables (essentially all complex CARBS). Three short years later (2003), the South Beach Diet came roaring in, shunning the acceptance of carbs, and bringing back the glory of high protein and low carbs reminiscent of Atkins. Then there was a surge of fad diets like the master cleanse of lemon juice, cayenne pepper and maple syrup (circa 2006) that whipped Beyonce into shape for the Dream Girls movie and then there was the very low-calorie HCG diet (circa 2011). Now we arrive in 2018 hearing about this “new” diet called the Ketogenic Diet just to find out that it’s NOT so NEW at all. In fact, it was invented in 1921 by a physician determined to treat epilepsy.

Today’s benefits have been seen far beyond stabilizing a seizure disorder. In fact, the Keto Diet is standing its ground in the world of weight loss because there has been a great deal of consistent success. The irony is that this diet is now in direct opposition of the first diet we discussed which means it focuses on HIGH FAT diet,. moderate protein and very little carbs.

How can this be? Much of its success is attributed to the proper use of fuel for energy in the form of fat rather carbs, which means that the insulin surge is avoided and, therefore, so is the corresponding surge of FFA (fatty acid production). These FFAs are converted to fat cells in the body and well, that translates into weight gain.

What it really means, is that we, in the medical community, are constantly growing and learning through both our experiences and yours, and we couple that experience with research and make the best recommendations we can for the information we have. What’s comforting about the Ketogenic Diet, is that it isn’t this NEW fad as you might assume because it has “all of a sudden” stormed the weight loss stage. On the contrary, it has actually been around for almost 90 years now and is doing just fine despite our fickle behavior.

How do you do a Ketogenic Diet? It’s not very simple and I suggest you invest in a good book on the matter but the basics are these: 1) You consume most of your diet as GOOD FAT (up to 70%) and these good fats include things like avocados, eggs, extra-virgin olive oil, coconut oil, MCT oil, almonds and other nuts (especially natural peanut butter in oil), and grass-fed butter to name a few. 2) Then you aim to consume up to 25% of your diet as protein like cheese, plain Greek yogurt, olives, fish, grass-fed beef, and any other meat that you are comfortable consuming. 3) The last edict is that you aim to consume no more than 5% of your diet as carbohydrates (mostly leafy green, high fiber cruciferous vegetables and low-glycemic fruits like blueberries, raspberries, etc.) if you can, which will drive your body into ketogenesis (the conversion of fat cells into fuel rather than the carbohydrates that we consume which is the normal mechanism).

The point is, we keep learning more about ourselves and therefore, more about you and what to share with you and I hope that you continue to grow in knowledge with us and I pray that all of the information serves to help you make better informed decisions about your health and nutrition, rather than confuse you more.

Nevertheless, I wish you nothing but the best of luck in your weight loss and weight maintenance efforts. Go to the tab attached to this site and pick up my book, Dr. Yolanda’s S.O.U.L. Food Diet: 10 Secrets to Lose Weight, Burn Fat and Stop Food Cravings for Good! to help you figure some of this out and so that YOU too can join my weight loss revolution!! Keep up the great work!